Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Little Artist.

The past couple of days have been really, really hard for me.  I think the long hours of parenting a toddler with a newborn, some hectic evenings and unpredictability are starting to wear on me.  I feel like I am probably not the best Stephanie right now.  And maybe it's because I am trying to do too much?  But honestly, I feel like getting out of the house keeps us sane these days and provides a good routine to the day.

Anyway, today we decided to stay home and just be ok with being in our house and not going anywhere in particular.  But it means that I had to get a little creative.  While the baby slept, I hauled out some big white sheets of paper and taped them to the bathtub walls and spread out some paints on a little make-shift easel and handed Gabriel some paint brushes.  I got this suggestion from my childhood friend, Dianne, who's husband is often away with the army leaving her as a solo parent for months on end.  She has to get creative too.  

So with Temper Trap playing (my go-to music for making my own art), we created a little masterpiece together.  Mostly Gabriel, but I started him off.  He painted a lot of "airplanes" and altogether had a lot of fun.  And the best thing about painting in the bathtub is that no matter where the paint goes, it can all wash off easily afterwards.

 Does this kid have killer eyelashes or what?  I have to admit I am a bit jealous!
 We finally found a good use for this 'bib' which apparently is not cool for eating but makes a great painting smock.
And afterwards, we had to clean up and so Gabriel got a bath out of the whole deal and I took out the bath crayons and let me go to it. 

I am pretty sure that all great artists would have had their start in a bathtub with bathtub crayons if they existed once upon a time.  There is just something to handing over some freedom and giving them an outlet for creativity, I think.

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