Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mamas' Night Out.

Last week my Toronto Mamas Group had a big supper out with no littles in tow!  Whoot whoot!  (Sadly, we might be saying goodbye to our mama group organizer, Sonia as she heads back to Australia.  Why does it take a mama from Australia to bring Toronto mamas together?  Haha!  But it did and it's been wonderful.  We are just sad to see her maybe go).

Like the other mamas, I painted my nails, put on big earrings, lipstick and heels and slung a purse over my shoulder that didn't contain any diapers.  As I hopped in my car, I sort of felt giddy like a teenager or something--the same feeling I still get when I have a tank full of gas or the fridge full of food--the possibilities are endless.  There was this moment of feeling so free!!!!  It took me about 10 minutes to realize that I was still listening to Bullfrogs and Butterflies on the car's CD player.  I swear, I don't even hear it anymore....  Except at night as it replays in my head while I try to go to sleep.

All the mamas were looking pretty sharp, I have to say.  And it was nice to all sit down to a lovely dinner at the Fork & Spoon and actually have real, uninterrupted adult conversations.  My friend Lucy and I were laughing at how sometimes you've asked a mama the same question over and over at a playdate but you forget the answer because there is just so much going on and at some point is sort of gets embarrassing to ask the same question, yet again!  So it's evenings like this that really make it nice for sitting down and talking about whatever we want.  And, GASP, it wasn't actually all about our children. :)  And only one of us got called away to rescue their husband.  And it wasn't me! ;)

Looking forward to more evenings like this for sure!  Thank you, my husband for giving me the night off and for my baby girl for being so amazing for your daddy and staying asleep so I could have the evening with my friends.  You are darling!

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