Saturday, May 3, 2014

Abe turns 6!

Call us completely over the top.  Call us ridiculous.  I don't care.  This week is Abe's birthday and we decided to celebrate!  You see, Abe was our first baby before any of our babies came along.  And in all of his six years we have never ONCE celebrated his birthday.  Abe had his own stocking at Christmas (until the babies came along) but his birthdays went by somehow unnoticed.  So, with Gabriel at an age to appreciate these things, we decided to celebrate this year... I mean, it was really about his excitement anyway--the balloons and streamers.  But Abe LOVED his cake.  Oh man!

Some people think I'm really strict with Abe.  I'm always the one wagging my finger when people feed him scraps and I hardly ever give him treats because I want him to stay healthy.  But once a year is kind of special, so we let him have a little dog food cake I made. Wow, that was pretty exciting.  He pretty much inhaled it in one flat go much to our entertainment.   And Gabriel entertained us all, including cousins (and parents-to-be) Natalie and her husband who were over for dinner, by batting around the balloons in fits of giggles and blowing out the candle.  He could barely contain his excitement over Abe's "happy" cake.  We had so much fun, we might do it again next year.

 This couple is going to be one set of amazing parents.  Maggie calmed right down in their arms.
Abe wanted a snuggle too. I feel so loved. :)
This house is pretty much crazy allll the time!

We love our Abe.  He has been such an amazing dog over the years with loads of personality and a love for people and children.   About a year ago when we thought we were going to have to remove both of his eyes, I spent hours and days contacting veterinary eye specialists about what we could do and was just about ready to fly to San Francisco to have some crazy special surgery for him. And it was during this very tumultuous time that I realized just how much I was really completely ridiculously in love with our dog.  He has always been such a friend to Jordan and a loyal companion to me when my husband was away working a lot and a best friend and playmate to Gabriel and I know he will be to Magdalene too.  He's already giving her kisses as he walks by her.

Happy Birthday, our Abe.  We love you!  Our home is a better place with you in it!

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