Thursday, January 2, 2014

Family Skate Date.

It's been years since either Jordan or I have skated.  Doesn't it seem like sometimes you go through years of your life without doing certain things, like skating, or sledding or drinking hot chocolate and then all of sudden you have a reason to again.  And you think to yourself, "Have I been doing anything FUN in the past 10 years?!?!"  Having children has been so much fun, you get to re-experience moments you had when you were a child, but this time you get to see them enjoying which seems so much more joyful or something than when you did it the first time around.  

For Christmas, both Jordan and Gabriel got a pair of skates.  Aren't little skates just the most adorable thing???  So earlier last week we took Gabriel to the skating rink by the CN Tower, right on the waterfront for his first time on the ice.  From the sidelines, where a 38 week pregnant woman belongs, I watched as Jordan and my sister, who has been visiting for two weeks, helped Gabriel get his "ice-legs."  At first, he was scampering all around with his feet swinging but eventually he figured it out.

And it wasn't long before this fiercely independent little guy wanted to try all on his own.  So we got him walking along the edge of the rink holding on to my sister's hand and the edge.  He loved it!  And especially the hot chocolate we picked up afterwards.

We had so much fun we decided to go again once my family got here for the holidays.  It was quite comical watching everyone get their "ice-legs."  I guess it's been some time for all of us.  But everyone agreed they had a pretty great time outside in the fresh air and wanted to do it again!   

My brother and his wife, Nikki.  Cuties!

Seriously, a beautiful rink down by the CN Tower on the lake shore--Natrel Rink.  Why skate indoors when you can be out?  With skate rentals, lockers...  And actually the food in the cafe off the ice is actually pretty decent.

Good thing it stays cold here for a few more months, because it looks like this little man really enjoyed the ice, so we have some more ice days in our future, I can see. 

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