Friday, April 19, 2013

A Little Shout-out to my Man Tonight.

A couple of days ago, I felt like it was just one of those days when the day got away from me.  Maybe it's because Jordan is out of town these days for work.  Or maybe it's that I am moonlighting as FedEx broker while I inventory our entire lives to get ready for the big move and I've been up until midnight every day this week.  Or maybe it's because I've been keeping this house all ship-shape for showings and I'm just tired. But on days like this, I am especially appreciative of my husband who cannot be here right now.  Here's a little shout-out to him (and all the other amazing daddies out there...) because we miss him today and everyday, and we are doing ok here but it's not nearly as fun and it's a little bit crazy sometimes.

Here goes:

Is this scene familiar?   It's 6:00 pm.  The living room is strewn with toys. Toys all over the carpet, the sofa, the coffee table, into the dining room, under the chairs and on the stairs.  The dining room table is covered: in dishes, in papers, in every item I've attempted to keep out of reach from a curious toddler bent on well-intentioned destruction.  The kitchen.  Sigh.  Pots and pans all over the floor.  The counters covered in supper preparations--pots boiling, dinner simmering, peelings, cutting boards, knives, small appliances.  The dishwasher is full.  Of dirty dishes.  The sink is full....  Of dirty dishes and there isn't one spot left on the counter to put one more thing.  My son and the dog have their heads in a box of Cheerios Gabriel has adeptly managed to pull off the counter, spilling them onto the floor.  This has momentarily stopped Gabriel from sobbing and the dog from howling (since I haven't yet had a moment to feed him or go to the bathroom or have a drink of water). 

Did I mention that the house was completely clean at 4:00?!  Then suddenly, on most days.... through the sunset lit courtyard, footsteps are heard, and both dog and child run to the window.  The dog starts barking and howling, his whole body wiggling, paws skidding as he scampers in one place in front of the door like one of those Loonie Toon cartoons, while Gabriel wobbles around in excitement (a mixture of whining/crying and giggling, if you can imagine that).  And Daddy enters the house where, before the briefcase hits the floor or the shoes are off, three bodies pile around him, one of which is mine.   

At this moment I'm not sure if he wants to cry because the place is a complete disaster and it's been a long day and it's clearly not over--it will take hours to restore sanity in this chaos and the dog didn't get walked?! But Daddies all over the world, just know that those days when we Mamas forget to hug you and give you a kiss when you get home, or we sigh with exhaustion or give you that desperate look that says "what took you soooo long?!" or look like we are going to cry--YOU are quite likely the best part of our day. (Right up there with that last sweet goodnight nuzzle from my toddler into the crook between my head and my shoulder, moments before sleep).

I don't know how single mamas do it!  Being a mama is hard work sometimes.  Hopefully they have family or good friends or amazing neighbors.  And for those working mamas, it likely feels like all the time!  They likely go to bed at 9:00 (if they can), or maybe they go to bed at midnight like I am this week and they likely have to be super, duper organized is all that I can figure.  And it must be kind of crazy.   Sigh.

Wishing you were here!

**I thought about taking pictures of all sorts of craziness, but settled on the one above.  This is how we get teeth brushed around here.  Gabriel brushes mine and I do his.   It's always funny and I am sure this will make him smile all the way in Texas.

How do you cope when your right hand man is away?  Tips mamas!!


  1. Tips: embrace the clutter, make "big" meals whenever possible to save leftovers in the freezer for easy meals in the future, and keep crayons and paper on the table to keep the toddler occupied while you're still eating and they're "all done".

    1. Yes!! That is what I am doing at it makes it sooo much easier to do a roast or a soup or something that lasts for three days or so. Crayons still get eaten in this house.... But, I've found that packing 3/4 of our stuff away for moving automatically "de-clutters." Yay! I think I might start dividing his toys into 4 bins that I dole out weekly to de-clutter and give him "new toys" to play with every week.

  2. This was sweet Stephanie! I also always wonder how single moms do it, and I only get a taste of what they do for a few weeks at a time! It's certainly a blessing to have another helping hand around the house. And let me know how it goes with 2 bambinos! :) xo

