Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First Signs of Spring?

Yesterday surprised us with its warm rays of sunshine and we just couldn't be outside enough--a long dog walk in the morning along the trails sprouting with crocuses and the promise of daffodils followed by an afternoon spent outside with Abe roaming the property and Gabriel pushing his Tonka truck up and down the hills, over the little steps and through the grass.

As I sat watching the boys, Abe meandering, and Gabriel on his mission, I couldn't help but wax nostalgic for our little patch of green earth we call our own in BC--the flowers, the sun-warmed grass, our veggie bed and shaded alcoves.  My heart ached a little.  On days like yesterday I want nothing more than to dig my hands into the earth and pull up weeds (I know, who likes wedding?), to free the new buds from vines that wrap around them, to put new soil in, to see life grow.  I longed for the contentment that comes from a hard days' labour outside in the sunshine, the cool evenings when I wander around and admire it long after Gabriel has gone to sleep.

And so, here are just a few pictures from our home in BC.

But for now, I love this place too.  So I'll sit on the front stoop having little conversations with the little neighbor girl next door, and maybe get myself a glowing pot of annuals, a little chair, don my sunhat and sundress and sip lemonade.  Anyone want to join me?

Ps. Today we were hit with a snowstorm, known as "Saturn."  Apparently, we are naming snowstorms now--a snowstorm that resulted in not much of anything... except very wet coats and shoes and essentially a federal holiday.  I think Mother Weather is a little conflicted about whether or not spring is actually coming but we are hopeful!   

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